30 Python Programming Questions on Operators and Expressions , TechnoVlogs

30 Python Programming Questions on Operators and Expressions

Q 1. Write a Python program to add two numbers.

Input: a = 10, b = 5

Expected Output


Q 2. Write a Python program to subtract one number from another.

Input: a = 15, b = 8

Expected Output:


Q 3. Write a Python program to multiply two numbers.

Input: a = 4, b = 6

Expected Output:


Q 4. Write a Python program to divide one number by another.

Input: a = 20, b = 4

Expected Output:


Q 5. Write a Python program to find the remainder when one number is divided by another.

Input: a = 15, b = 4

Expected Output:


Q 6. Write a Python program to perform floor division of two numbers.

Input: a = 17, b = 3

Expected Output:


Q 7. Write a Python program to calculate the power of a number.

Input: a = 2, b = 3

Expected Output:


Q 8. Write a Python program to check if a number is greater than another.

Input: a = 10, b = 7

Expected Output:


Q 9. Write a Python program to check if a number is less than another.

Input: a = 3, b = 9

Expected Output:


Q 10. Write a Python program to check if two numbers are equal.

Input: a = 5, b = 5

Expected Output:


Q 11. Write a Python program to check if two numbers are not equal.

Input: a = 4, b = 10

Expected Output:

Q 12. Write a Python program to check if a number is greater than or equal to another.

Input: a = 7, b = 7

Expected Output:


Q 13. Write a Python program to check if a number is less than or equal to another.

Input: a = 4, b = 9

Expected Output:


Q 14. Write a Python program to perform logical AND operation.

Input: a = True, b = False

Expected Output:


Q 15. Write a Python program to perform logical OR operation.

Input: a = True, b = False

Expected Output:


Q 16. Write a Python program to perform logical NOT operation.

Input: a = True

Expected Output:


Q 17. Write a Python program to perform bitwise AND operation.


a = 5 # 0101

b = 3 # 0011

Expected Output:


Q 18. Write a Python program to perform bitwise OR operation.


a = 5 # 0101

b = 3 # 0011

Expected Output:


Q 19. Write a Python program to perform bitwise XOR operation.


a = 5 # 0101

b = 3 # 0011

Expected Output:


Q 20. Write a Python program to perform bitwise NOT operation.

Input: a = 5 # 0101

Expected Output:


Q 21. Write a Python program to perform left shift operation.

Input: a = 5 # 0101

Expected Output:


Q 22. Write a Python program to perform right shift operation.

Input: a = 5 # 0101

Expected Output:


Q 23. Write a Python program to calculate the result of an arithmetic expression with parentheses.

Input: a = 10, b = 2, c = 3

Expected Output:


Q 24. Write a Python program to use the exponentiation operator in an expression.

Input: a = 2, b = 3, c = 2

Expected Output:


Q 25. Write a Python program to use the modulus operator in an arithmetic expression.

Input: a = 14, b = 4

Expected Output:


Q 26. Write a Python program to combine addition, multiplication, and division in an expression.

Input: a = 20, b = 4, c = 3

Expected Output:


Q 27. Write a Python program to use the comparison operator to check if a number is within a range.

Q 28. Write a Python program to use the assignment operator with addition.

Input: a = 5, a += 3

Expected Output:


Q 29. Write a Python program to use the assignment operator with subtraction.

Input: a = 10, a -= 2

Expected Output:


Q 30. Write a Python program to use the assignment operator with multiplication.

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Bikki Singh Instructor TechnoVlogs

Bikki Singh

Hi, I am the instructor of TechnoVlogs. I have a strong love for programming and enjoy teaching through practical examples. I made this site to help people improve their coding skills by solving real-world problems. With years of experience, my goal is to make learning programming easy and fun for everyone. Let's learn and grow together!